Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Oui, Paris!

Sorry for the long break between entries there - I was quite busy being coddled by a number of lovely, hospitable and oh-so-generous Swiss folks. The rest of the stay at Mary`s home included French practice pour moi, more incredible food and much interesting conversation. On Monday we hopped on a train bound for Bern, where we were to meet Felix Bernoulli, an old friend of the family. After we found him, the intense visiting began - I hadn`t seen any of the Bernoullis (we`re friends with most of the large extended family) since I was 12 or so, which meant we had a lot of catching up to do.

I`m going to cut this entry short here, since this keyboard is even stranger than the other European models I`ve encountered thus far and I`m almost out of time. I mostly wanted to let everyone know that I`m finally in beautiful Paris, happily ensconced in my sweet little Montmartre room and so excited to explore the city. Expect a number of entries to come, one with more details on my Swiss adventures and the rest all about PARIS!

Au revoir pour maintenant!

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